Parish Council Forward Plan 2022-2027

This is Fownhope Parish Council’s Forward Plan; it sets out the vision and priorities of the Parish Council for the next five years. 

Fownhope Parish Council Forward Plan 2022-2027

The Forward Plan seeks to:

  • inform parishioners about the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Council;

  • set the objectives and plans of the Parish Council;

  • communicate effectively with the community encouraging consultation and engagement and providing the basis for the community to become involved in shaping the future of the village.

  • demonstrate that Fownhope Parish Council meets the standards set for Parish Councils and has put in place conditions for continued improvement.

This forward plan is a live document which will be reviewed on an annual basis. The plan will be used to inform the annual budget in conjunction with the action plan to further parish improvements, maintenance and projects and enable the Parish Council to monitor its progress against key priorities.

Action Plan:

The Action Plan is reviewed each quarter, and the reviewed document can be downloaded here: Action Plan Working Document, last reviewed 2/2/2024


The Parish Council has prepared a range of statements showing how the Council:

all of which demonstrate the breadth of work and services that the Parish Council undertakes for the benefit of parish residents.