Take action - The Great Collaboration

In June 2019, Fownhope Parish Council declared a Climate Emergency and since then has been working on a plan to turn this into meaningful action

Climate Emergency

Fownhope Parish Council Climate Emergency Logo

Fownhope Parish Council Climate Emergency Logo

Following the lead of Herefordshire Council, Fownhope Parish Council declared a Climate Emergency in June 2019. Since then we have been putting together an action plan which sets out exactly what we intend to do to honour the declaration and help make changes possible for everyone in the Parish to reduce their carbon footprint.

Our Response!

Working in partnership with the Herefordshire Green Network and Caplor Horizons, a local charity, we have developed an innovative web-platform to support you in your journey towards reducing your impact on the environment, and to support our parish council to better understand the needs of the community.

So how does it work?

The web-platform works a bit like a shopping trolly trip around a fantastical supermarket …  

  • There are lots of lots of possible ‘Actions' on display that we can choose from

  • The ‘Actions' all have different costs - and different impacts on the planet

  • When we choose what we would like and add the ‘Actions’ to our basket we are starting a journey to support a cleaner greener future for Herefordshire

What’s more… 

Depending on which actions we choose and act on, and which we don’t - and in particular WHY we don’t - then Fownhope Parish Council will be able to see where local people need more support to get active. 

  • For instance some of us might want to compost our food waste but don’t have access to a big enough garden - so the Parish Council could work with us to set up some community composting sites. 

  • Or perhaps lots of local people would like to drive electric cars - but feel concerned about the lack of local charge points. The Parish Council could apply for more funding to get more charge points installed locally. 

Your neighbours and local friends will be setting out on the same journey - and together our community can collaborate and make some exciting decisions about Actions we would like to take - and start to create the better future we all want for your children and grandchildren. 

To try it out for yourself, and join the Great Collaboration towards a greener, cleaner, healthier Herefordshire, go to www.greatcollaboration.uk and register for free!

Please get in touch if you would like to join the working group or would like any further information on any of the above.