
To find out more about the current planning applications within the village click the button below

This will take you to the Herefordshire Council website. For further planning application searches, including ‘decided’ applications, click here: Herefordshire Council Planning Pages

If you are considering submitting a planning application, we would like to ask that you consider the Fownhope Neighbourhood Plan before submitting your plans. The FNP can be downloaded here:

Fownhope Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Development Plan Review Consultation  

Further public consultation events to consider whether we should review our Neighbourhood Development Plan will take place:

Sunday 21st April:  Fownhope Memorial Hall between 2.30pm and 5.30pm 

Wednesday 1st May:  Fownhope Pavilion between 6pm and 7pm

Sunday 19th May:  Fownhope Pavilion between 2.30pm and 4.3pm

These events are informal drop-in sessions where you will be able to review information on the current Neighbourhood Plan, ask questions and learn how the new Local Plan currently being prepared by Herefordshire Council might impact Fownhope.

 The information will also be available at the Annual Parish Meeting 

Sunday 19th May:  Fownhope Pavilion at 6pm

Please note that this is not a consultation on proposed changes to the NDP, but a consultation to understand parishioners views on whether the NDP should be reviewed in line with the new draft Local Plan.

The preference is for parishioners to attend an event where members of the Planning Group can answer any questions, but if you are not able to come along, you can view the information that will be available at the meetings from the links below. Please then complete and return the questionnaire.

Consultation Slides (Powerpoint)

Consultation Slides (Video)

Questionnaire - please complete after viewing the slides.

The questionnaire can be returned via email at or by post to Pichells Place, Wall Hills Farm, Hereford Road, Ledbury, HR8 2PR

New Development on Common Hill Road

The Parish Council understand that the planned two-week road closure has been postponed until August due to the 3-day road closure from 17th April by Welsh Water.

The Parish Council has received the following update concerning the programme of works at the new development site. This explains the nature of the works that may cause possible disruption to residents and how these issues are being mitigated. Work will be starting on site on the 02/04/24.

From MF Freemans:

“There are three main components that have the potential to cause disruption:

Creating the Site Access

Obviously, we need to get on to the site – to do this we will need to complete an element of bulk excavation to make the access.  Encompassed in these works are several elements of drainage a redirection of the existing ditch and surfacing works.

We have agreed with Herefordshire County Council that this work will be undertaken without a road closure.  We will work from within our site and do our best to avoid incursion into the highway.  However, there may be times that we have to accept deliveries or put a small machine in the road to complete a section of work.  At these moments we will hold the traffic to a maximum of 15mins in an hour (in accordance with the relevant Chapter 8 Traffic Regulations).

By adopting this method of work we hope to be able to maintain a reasonable level of traffic flow and avoid a diversionary route.

Foul Drainage Installation

Our foul drain connects in the junction of Church Croft Road then makes its way to the newly formed entrance to site.  Given the narrowness of the road we will have to use road closures to enable the works.  In an endeavour to reduce disruption we will conduct the works required to get us past the entrance of the Doctors Surgery at weekends. This will allow the practice to maintain its normal working hours.  Access will be maintained to the three properties we pass enroute.  The final section from the GP surgery to the entrance will require a 2 week full road closure. This will make completion of the works quicker ultimately reducing disruption.

In terms of time scale we are awaiting the legal documentation for the foul system (it has received technical approval) – this could be days or weeks away.  On receipt we will have to make an application to close the road which will take a further 12 weeks.  On this basis (if we were to receive the legals today) the earliest works could start is the 17th of May.  As soon as we receive the legals I will make the application for the road closure and notify you.  Furthermore, we will letter drop the surrounding area so residents understand what we are doing.

New Surfaced Footway

As part of the improvement works we will also be creating a length of new footpath that will join the top of our site to Nover Wood Drive.  This work will be completed later on in the contract and will require a short length of footpath closure.  Similar to the foul drainage I will make you aware of the application having been posted.”

Affordable Housing in Fownhope

There are five affordable housing units currently being constructed as part of the Mill Field Development.

If you wish to apply for one of the properties, interest needs to be lodged with the Housing Development Team at Herefordshire Council. This can be done by sending an email to: 

The properties have not yet been released for allocation/assessment but the Housing Development Team will send out an application pack with forms and information to interested parties.  Once the properties are released, assessment and allocation is on a strict first come, first served basis upon receipt of a fully completed application and successful assessment.   

Further criteria that is useful to know:

  • Applicants need to be assessed as being in housing need ie evidence that they cannot afford a full price property in the area; they must have a local connection with the village - ie live or work in the village, or have very close family members or another really strong connection with the village;

  • The properties are intended to help people live in a village they have a strong connection to that they would not be able to do otherwise therefore this must be their only property, they cannot own another property and cannot buy these to sub-let them;

  • Applicants are asked to have mortgage promise (not an actual mortgage but confirmation that one will be given);

  • The discounts to be applied are either 36% or 39% for 2 and 3 bedroom properties and the discount stays with the property in perpetuity.

Community Land Trust

What is a Community Land Trust (CLT)?

To quote from the CLT Handbook, "A CLT is set up by the community and for the community.  The members of the CLT will control it, and the assets can only be sold or developed in a manner which benefits the local community". 

A Community Land Trust for Fownhope means that people who live and/or work in Fownhope can have a say so that new affordable homes are built that remain affordable in the future and answer the needs of people who live in the village.  As well as the opportunities to provide affordable housing, the formation of a CLT will mean we are best placed to provide for potential community amenities, for example a community shop or pub should we ever have the misfortune to lose those currently available to us, or to access grants available to purchase land to enable community use or recreation.

Becoming a Member

You are able to become a lifelong member of the Fownhope Community Land Trust for a very small fee of £5.  Becoming a member does not commit you to any duties (unless you wish to volunteer for some) but does mean that you have a vote on all important decisions involving the FCLT.

Fownhope Community Land Trust became a formal entity in June 2019.  If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact them via email at  Whilst we are delighted with the number of residents of Fownhope who have joined the FCLT, we would love to engage with more of the community and increase our membership.  This can only be good for Fownhope ... so please do get in touch.

Housing Needs Survey

In 2018 we conducted a new Housing Needs Survey for Fownhope, funded via a grant successfully obtained from Herefordshire Council.  We were keen for as many people as possible to complete the survey, whether a resident of Fownhope, someone who works in Fownhope but lives elsewhere or those who may be hoping to return to Fownhope perhaps to be closer to family or work for example, so that a full and true picture of the housing need in Fownhope is achieved.  This may certainly be for affordable housing but may also be related to housing opportunities perhaps for self-build, granny annexes, conversions or rental of spare rooms to those looking for accommodation in the village.

Fownhope last had a housing needs survey in 2012.  The new survey will give us the best idea of what size and type of affordable homes are needed now.  They could be flats for young single villagers, houses for young families or bungalows for older people who need somewhere smaller and easier to manage.

The results can be downloaded from the link below. If you have any questions having read the survey, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Fownhope Housing Needs Report 2018