Local Council Elections

Local Council Elections

Have you ever thought about standing as a Parish Councillor?

Every 4 years every Councillor must step down and be re-elected by the community.  Local Elections took place on Thursday 4th May 2023 and all seats became available for re-election. Nine councillors were elected onto Fownhope Parish Council leaving three vacancies. Cllr Graham Biggs was elected as Ward Councillor for Backbury Ward.

Notice of Election: Parish Councillor, Fownhope Parish

Notice of Election: District Councillor, Backbury Ward

Nominations to apply to become a Ward or Parish Councillor have now closed:

Statement of Persons Nominated: Fownhope Parish

Statement of Persons Nominated: Backbury Ward

Fownhope Parish Council has received nine nominations and therefore the election will not be contested.

Fownhope Result of Uncontested Election

There were three nominations for Ward Councillor:

Backbury Ward Notice of Poll and Persons Nominated

If you would like to be considered to be co-opted onto the council, please get in touch with the Clerk.

The role of a Parish Council is to improve the quality of community life for their parish and its inhabitants.  They can:

  • Give views on behalf of their community on consultations, planning applications and other proposals that affect the parish;

  • Undertake projects and schemes that benefit local residents;

  • Work in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the parish or alert them to problems or work that needs to be undertaken;

You can become a Parish Councillor if you are a citizen of the UK, EU or the Commonwealth, are over the age of 18 and if you are an elector in, work in, live in or live within 3 miles of the area of the local council. However, you may not become a Parish Councillor if you hold a paid office, or other place of profit in the gift of the council; have been declared bankrupt in the past 5 years and have not repaid the debt; or have been convicted of a criminal offence in the past 5 years.

If you think this might be for you and would like to find out more, please get in touch with our Clerk, Helen Tinson by email at clerk@fownhopeparishcouncil.gov.uk or telephone on 07989 066782, or follow the links here: